Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Group Minds" (RL)

     The main claim of Doris Lessing's "Group Minds" is that the individual has been lost to the power and influence of the group. She supports this by starting explaining the dynamic of a group and how easy people and their opinions become overtaken by the majority. She even describes an experiment that furthered proved her claim. Lessing does hint at the opposing claims of her argument and sufficiently so. She notes that people do believe that the power of the group is just a tradition of sorts; it is human nature. So why should it be changed? How? She acknowledges this opposing position as true. However, she still states that there is a problem to be solved. I think Lessing describes the issue well. She could have given a few more specific examples of when a group can overpower the individual. She also could have provided a better call to action by providing more ways to fix the issue.

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