1.) The Autism Speaks advertisement encourages us to think or realize that autism is much more prevalent than most people are aware of, and that the likeliness of a child becoming such things like a fashion designer is incredibly unlikely compared to that same child developing autism.
2.) Hollingsworth discusses the advertisement's key elements of color and organization. She perfectly analizes the colors in the image and shows how they add to the tone of happiness and creativity. This is all counteracted when one reads the slogan printed in front of those colors. She states that by organizing the layout of the ad to have the slogan most forward and the little girl and the colors all towards the back the message is loud and clear.
3.) The author connects the idea that the little girl in the ad is the 1 in 150 children that are diagnosed with autism with the idea that it could be any one child, the viewer's child. She also links the meaning behind Autism Speaks' logo with the many questions parents of autistic children may have. Finally, Hollingsworth finds a comparison between this single ad and all other ads that do the exact same thing, striking fear in us before shoving truth right down our throats.
Great answers!